
Showing posts from May, 2022

Air Quality testing - Near Old Post Office

 We have just received the air pollution monitor (Flow 2 from Plume Labs) and ran a couple of testing events. On Bridge Street and the corner of Long Row: 11th May at 6:30 pm (Wind speed N.E. 6 mph  18.5C) Recorded NO2 level average over 10 minutes: 144 ppb (276 ugm-3)  Conversion using this tool: pm2.5 average 3.6 ugm-3 pm10 average 14 ugm-3 Note : WHO NO2 limit 10 ug/m-3 annually EPA NO2 one hourly limit  100ppb for NO2 On Bridge Street and the corner of Long Row: 12th May Noon N02 level (Wind speed 4 mph SW) 64 ppb  (122 ugm-3) pm2.5 average 4.5 ugm-3 pm10 average 40 ugm-3